Δευτέρα 25 Οκτωβρίου 2010


Sygxwreste mou ta greeklish alla dystyxws exw ksexasei pws grafoun sta ellhnika....(gia thn akriveia argw poly).

Shmera loipon sto mathhma ths ypologistikhs algevras mas zhththhke na mathoume mia nea glwssa programmatismou thn CAML (me shma thn kamhla). O kathhghths mas ekshghse oti einai mia poly kalh glwssa eidika an thes na kaneis polles anadromikes klhseis synarthsewn. Etsi loipon kai egw apofasisa na grapsw sto google CAML gia na dw ti tha mou vgalei...
Mou evgale loipon na katevasw gia ta windows tis ekshs 2 ekdoseis
  • Self installer (3.11.0) for the port based on the MinGW toolchain
    Some features require the Cygwin environment.
  • Self installer (3.11.0) for the port based on the Microsoft toolchain
    Some features require Microsoft Visual C++ and Microsoft Assembler. 
    Egw epeleksa kata tyxh tn prwth ekdosh.
    Katevhke loipon ena arxeio me onoma "ocalm - 3.22.0 - win -mgw.exe "
    Ystera epeleksa na to egkatasthsw akolouthwndas tis adistoixes odhgies egkatastashs
    pathsa dld pandou next
    to apothykeysa  sto sklhro mou sto fakelo programm files 
    ekana extract ta adistoixa arxeia 
    Dhmiourghthhke amesws mia syntomeysh sthn epifaneia ergasias mou me eikonidio thn camhla

    enw anoikse kai h adistoixh konsola!!

    Ekei loipon tha  grapsoume to programmataki mas.....
    Sorry pou den to exw anevasei akoma alla exw na kanw hlektronikh.
    tha epanelthw me perissoteres odhgies(na to doulepsw ligaki prwta)

    tha grapsw kai edypwseis...Makari na mhn vlakeia...:P

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