Τετάρτη 3 Νοεμβρίου 2010

Pws na kanete ton ypologisth sas pio grhgoro mesa se 5 lepta?

Aformh gia to sygkekrimeno post htan ta para polla mathhsiaka gegonota twn synadelfwn mou, ta opoia eixan paromoio thema.. Mphka loipon kai egw sto trypaki na dw ti allo mporw na kanw etsi wste to PC mou na ginei to Super Computer!!! Psaxnwndas loipon sto Internet vrhka to ekshs: Mporei na ftaine kai ta grafika gia thn "argoporia" tou ypologisth!!

H lysh loipon einai h ekshs aplh(an den paizete polla paixnidia):

Kalo tha htan na apenergopoihsete ola ta efe kai ta grafika pou sas prosferei h Microsoft apo ta   Windows XP kai meta. Etsi tha kerdisete se apokrish kai tha glitwsete apo ekneyrismous(grrrrrr.....)
Kanete loipon deki klik ston "ypologisth mou"-->"idiothtes" -->"rythmiseis systhmatos" ->"gia proxwrhmenous".

Phgainete sthn kartela"Gia proxwrhmenous" kai ekei kanete klik sto "rythmiseis" ekei pou grafei "Epidoseis".

Telos epilegete "rythmish gia veltisth epidosh" kaiiiiiii............TELOS

6 σχόλια:

  1. ta ekana ola alla dn egine super computer! ti na kanw?? yparxei kati allo na dokimasw? 8elw super computer!

  2. na to petakseis apo to parathyro kai ama zhsei tote NAI...tha einai to Super Computer...Pio super kai apo ths Xrysas...hahaha

  3. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  4. Den mporoume na exoume oloi Super Computer. Mh zhtas tosa polla!!!

  5. ths Xrysas einai super provato! egw 8elw super computer se 5 lepta!

  6. ΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ th les re to pc mou probato??? pou einai toso Super kai dyskoleuomai na vrw mathhsiaka ???
