Τετάρτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Magic PC

H aneyresh tou teleutaiou mathhsiakou gegonotos pragmatika apodeixthke martyrio...Les kai eixe sterepsei to  myalo mou, les kai na mhn ematha tpt tis teletaies 2 evdomades....(poly pithano). Prospathousa shmera olh mera na vrw kati na mathw...na ftasw ta 14 mathhsiaka epitelous....Tzifos omws,,,psilovarethhka kiolas kai to parathsa to "athlhma". Eixa malista apofasisei oti kai ta 13 mathhsiaka htan mia xara...:P. Etsi loipon arxisa na xazeyw, opws panda allwste, sto internet. Diavasa kati news apo tous symfoithtes mou, 2-3 mathhsiaka gia na perasei h wra kai genika googlara ligaki xwris kanena idiaitero skopo. Se kapoia stigmh, vrhka ena site, forum kalytera, sto opoio milousan gia diafora aksioperierga pou mporei na symvainoun sto pc...
Xmm...arketa endiaferon!Gia na diavasoume skefthka...
Telika apodeixthke oti polla "magika" mporoun na symvoun..
Edw einai 2-3 apo ayta pou diavasa kai ta opoia ta vrhka arketa paraksena einai h alhthia...

Enas Indos anakalypse oti kanenas den mporei na dhmiourghsei ena fakelo me onoma CON sto pc tou.
Synfwna panda me to site oute oloklhrh h Microsoft den mporese na vrei to logo...Kai gia tou logou to alhthes, otan prospathhsa na to kanw kai egw mou emfanise to ekshs mhnyma(eite egrafa CON, eite Con, eite con...klp)

Ena deytero magiko,arketa pio endiaferon kai ligo sarkastiko tha elega einai to akoloutho:
1.Anoikse to notepad
2.Grapse to ekshs "Bush hid the facts"
3.Apothhkseyse to me oti onoma thes, opou thes
4.Prospathse na to ksana-anoikseis.
Ta ekana akrivws opws ta elege..Siga.Tpt den egine.Sthn arxh pisteya oti htan san tous ious pou eixa valei se prohgoumeno mathhsiako gegonos, kai oti apla tha to edopise to antivirus. H alhtthia einai otit den to edopise..Ypopto?? H ondws to tric htan mapa?( opws leei kai h laikh rhsh :"Mas vghke mapa to karpouzi")
Na sas pw thn alhthia akoma kai twra den katalava telika ti synevh..Mexri stigmhs ola leitourgoun roloi. Ama twra pathei tpt to pc eteroxronisma...ti na pw!Sygxwreste me..

Teleytaio magiko kolpaki tou site htan to parakatw. To anakalypse enas Vrazilianos ( mhn peite allh douleia den eixe na kanei o anthrwpos, giati mallon kai o Indos pio prin sthn idia fash vriskotan).Symfwna loipon me ton kyrio ayto 
1.An anoikseis ena Word kai grapseis mesa to ekhs: =rand (200,99) kai pathseis enter tote symbainei kati magikoooo...Kai ondwss!!

Einai kati pou den mporouse na apandhsei oute o idios o Bill Gates! Poios kserei ti mporei na hrthe tou programmatisth na kanei me th rand kai to afhse sth mesh...xaxa. Parepiptondws akolouthoun 2-3 selides Word pou grafoun diafora....Ti na peis?

Telika kaneis den mporei na einai sigouros gia tous ypologistes kai ayto giati einai mhxanes pou ftiaxthkan apo ton idio ton anthrwpo kai einai apolytws fysiologiko na emperiexoun sfalmata. Gi ayto kai emeis den tha prepei na tis theopoioume, alla na tis xrhsimopoioume gia na mas vohthoun sthn kathhmerinothta mas kai na mas dieykolynoun.
Epipleon tha hthela na shmeiwsw oti mporei to paron postaki na mhn apotelei mathhsiako gegonos opws to ennoousame ws twra, dhladh mathainw na kanw kati sto pc kai apla to eframozw kai telos. Einai mia allh morfh gnwshs, h opoia exei sxesh me thn psyxagwgikh kai diaskedastikh pleyra twn ypologistwn, thn opoia den tha prepei na agnooume...Etsi parea me ta alla 2 posts mou gia tous ious, einai mia kalh prospatheia na sas peisw gi ayto. Egw exw hdh peisthei, gegonos pou apodeiknyetai apo to oti psaxnw pleon kathhmerina gia aksioperierga pou mporei na symvainoun sta computers kai ta opoia eite exoun ekshghthei, eite akoma paramenoun anekshghta!!!
PS.An kapoios efarmosei to 2o trik as mou pei an leitourghse...Na mathw kai egw ti ftaiei...Mhpws o Bush??

2 σχόλια:

  1. Pragmatika F-O-V-E-R-O. Dokimasa to prwto kai to trito kai ontws etsi ginetai (sto trito m vgazei ena oti na nai mnm). To deutero den to dokimasa gt me fovises :P

  2. xaxaxa...mexri stigmhs emena einai ola OK...twra ti htan aytooo..mallon den tha to mathoume!!!
